Monday, July 20, 2009


As per definition, reinvigorate is a transitive verb and it means to give new life or energy to. I wanted to give new life or energy (or, to refresh, to revitalize, to rejuvenate) to this blog a long time ago. But, I was enjoying my hibernation away from the blogs too much, I think. *smile* Until I made myself sit in front of my laptop and dedicated the time to make it happen...

So, here we are... there are some changes but I keep many things unchanged.

Still the same
1. The blog address is still
2. The color theme is still green
3. The majority of the posts are staying in this blog

1. The blog's title: Make INDONESIA A Better Place
2. The blog's layout
3. The blog's top banner image
4. The list of blogs and links

For those of you who have followed my blog (thank you, thank you, thank you) you know that I have posted many facts and writings about Indonesia, especially about human rights, democracy, socio-politics, and activism. I'd love to see, at least in my lifetime, that Indonesia will prosper and be a better place for all of us who love it. That's why I dedicate this blog to anything about Indonesia and hence the name. *smile* Please let me know any links that you think is good and matches this blog's theme.

There are still so many unfinished writings, some drafts here and there... many times I think my other priorities have kept me away from completing the writings or touching-up the drafts.

Tonight, I made it happened! I am reinvigorating, rejuvenating, refreshing, revitalizing this blog and I am also in the progress of building and maintaining other blogs. Well, let's see where these blogs will lead me. *smile*

I love reading books, watching movies or programs on TV, and listening to music. So, I will share with you what I read, watch, and listen on another blog. It's Another Bebeth on the Blog (in

On a personal level you can follow my writings in Just About Anything (in

Yes, three blogs, three different themes! I am so excited! *smile*

They are all work in progress... So, do let me know what you think. Please. *smile*

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